Affluence Masks Spiritual Realities

We arrived at our home at about 5 PM today (Wednesday I think) after about 30 hours of travel through 8 time zones. Both Judy and I got 3 or 4 hours of sleep in route home, so we are looking forward to going to bed early tonight.

This will be a short post because of that, but we wanted to share our overarching response to the trip.  Without the affluence of America, the spiritual realities in Uganda are much more visible.  One one hand, everyone knows who the witch doctors are and many seek their “healing power.”  On the other hand, the joy of relationship with God through Jesus Christ is so rich and expressed openly and often.  We experienced extended worship in song throughout our entire time in Uganda, in formal and informal settings.  We are definitely going to miss that!

We will have much more to say in future posts about our time in Uganda, but we wanted to let you all know we are home in Minnesota.

Thanks for your prayer support.  It was much needed and appreciated.