Hard to believe!

Six weeks from today we will arrive in Uganda, Africa to begin our vision trip! We are excited for this next step, as our good Shepherd continues to lead us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. He has provided so much in these past weeks: spiritual strength to persevere in finishing application questions that required deep introspection; connections with a variety of old and new friends to encourage us along the way as well as bring us needed information about travel to Uganda; a timely travel consult appointment as well as an appointment to receive the required, but scarce yellow fever vaccination; as well as many spiritual swords from God’s word to cut through lies, temptations and discouragement that our enemy wants us to listen to!

As we look ahead to the next few months, we are asking the Lord for His provision in 2 specific areas: First, we have already experienced spiritual opposition to this next step forward in our discernment process. We know that a prayer support team is crucial right now! Some of you are already interceding for us. Thank you so much! In addition, the trip to Uganda is costly, so we are asking the Lord to provide financial supporters to come alongside us to help carry this load. As we are studying the book of Ephesians in Sunday school, we have been encouraged to see a picture of how our heavenly Father intended the body to function. We all have a part in God’s redemptive plan for His world! Would you please prayerfully consider if the Lord is asking you to be a part of our prayer and/or financial support team? Please go to our Uganda Vision Trip page for more details on how to support us financially. I know we will all be blessed as we see Him work out His purposes in our lives and in the world.

Please use the contact form or give us a call to let us know the Lord is leading you to be a part of our team.