We are off!

We are about to get on our plane in Minneapolis headed to Amsterdam. Thank you to all of you who have helped us to get to this point. Some of you have counseled us, some have encouraged us, some have contributed financially, and many of you have prayed for us Thank you so much.

I am also thankful to Judy who has done the lions share ( I am thinking African already) of the preparations over the last few weeks and especially the last few days. We both have a peaceful heart as we begin this next step walking with the Lord. As I have prayed about this trip, God has said to me, “Come and see”. So we embark with great anticipation to see what he is up to in Uganda. Please continue to pray that we would see what we need to see, hear what we need to hear, and have hearts that are willing to follow. We are also asking God to cross our path with those whom he is drawing to Jesus and those who need to know his deep, deep love.